If you are considering partnering with our ministry there are two practical ways to help. First, Paul encouraged the Thessalonians in his second letter to them in 3:1, “Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may run swiftly and be gloried, just as it is with you.” We, like Paul, solicit your prayers for our ministry. We rely on God’s power for our ministry. Second, if God is moving on your heart to go beyond praying for us would you consider partnering with us financially. One-time Donations We can securely process your credit or debit card by clicking here to donate now. If you prefer, mail your gift to ACTS – A Church That Studies, PO Box 7217, Santa Monica, CA 90406-7217. Donate to ACTS via PayPal
Thank you Pastor Joe for another wonderful and thought provoking sermon. And THANK YOU BJ for joining the Praise Team today. Reply
Thank you Pastor Joe for another wonderful and thought provoking sermon. And THANK YOU BJ for joining the Praise Team today.